Last time I checked in the internet, there are several people in South East Asia who brought Tesla Model 3 from gray market, but no one had ever customize his Tesla Model 3 bad ass like this, so I think this Tesla Model 3 (Performance) will be the first Tesla Model 3 Performance MOD (modification) in South East Asia.
p.s. Please, comment below if you saw any Tesla Model 3 MOD like this in South East Asia before October 2020. I will change the title of this post.

Alcon big brake & DWD suspension

DWD suspension
The suspension is the only part of the car that responsible for smoothing out the ride and keep the tires in contact with the road. Mr. Tam chooses DWD suspension to help stable his Model 3 and main the grip between the tire and the road.

Alcon big brake
Mr. Tam changed his brake system from OEM to Alcon RC4 with an additional caliper for the electric parking brake.

Front : 380 x 34 millimeters

Rear 380 x 28 millimeters with an electric parking brake.

Stancepart Aircup
This aircup is located between suspension and car’s frame. It act same as air suspension in Tesla Model S that can lift the car a bit or lower the car to have a better aerodynamic. This aircup can lift the car within 8 seconds and it will take upto 15 seconds to do a maximum height.
Note : The Aircups just to adjust for drive over bumps and steep driveways for the lowered coilovers. You cannot use it for regular driving, so static advantage with coilovers and adjust height when needed for clearance.

Vorsteiner Body part
This car was equipped with Vorsteiner body part.

O.Z. Racing Superforgiata 20 inches, Front wheels width 9 inches, Rear wheels width 10 inches.

There are two parts that have been modified inside Model 3. All of which are the steering wheel ,from carbon design, and front console panel from carbon design as well.

All MOD installed by TKF Racing
Mr. Tam, the owner of this Model 3 Performance, owned the Nissan GTR executive authorized dealer in Thailand.
Note : if you want to be an executive dealer for Nissan GTR outside Japan then you need to learn and earn the certificate from Nissan to get this position. Therefore, his dojo is only one in Thailand who can officially distribute and service GTR.

Furthermore, he also owned the racing dojo named TKF Racing in Thailand. This dojo serviced all cars in the market from family car to supercars.

When he want to go into electric car. Then he is going all into it. According his interview, he wants to built an EV racing car which can use in his daily commute. Plus, he will use this car as an example of sustainable energy racing car which draw attention from Thai people to an electric car. He claims that hybrid delude people for a decade. Most of Thai people still believe that electric car is slowed as hybrid, and high maintenance.
After Mr. Tam owned Tesla Model 3, he want to broadcast his message to all Thai people that electric car is not the future, but it’s now. He want to customized this car to tell Thai people that the electric car is faster than gasoline car, lower maintenance than a gasoline car, and easier to drive like a normal car. BUT one thing that he also feel sorry about electric car is the price.

Youtube Channel : TKF Channel
Facebook ส่วนตัว :Tam TKF
How much for Tesla Model 3 in Thailand?
The electric car in Thailand, like Tesla Model 3, is really expensive. Due to import tax (or battery tax because Thai custom raised tax by the battery capacity.) Here are the price of Tesla Model 3 in Thailand.
- Standard plus = $96,451 (2.99 million baht)
- Long Range = $115,806 (3.59 million baht)
- Performance = $125,806 (3.9 million baht)

Tesla Model 3 Performance By TKF Racing Photo : Phattarakorn #teslamodel3 #tkf ——————————————- ig : doublepsnapzing #dpsz
Posted by DPSZ on Thursday, November 19, 2020
The reason that electric cars, like Tesla Model 3, is so expensive in Thailand because Thai government wanted to raise the tax to protect their Thai auto manufacturers in their countries. If Tesla want to sell Tesla Model 3 or Model Y in Thailand for the same rate as China or America then Tesla MUST come to build the car in Thailand which is impossible for Tesla to make any profits in long run because Thailand has population only 70 millions people and only few people can own the car more than million baht($30,000).
You can watch this video(Bjørn Nyland : Why Tesla should come to Thailand?) then you will get the idea that how much people spend money to purchase a car in Thailand.
The car sale report in Thailand shown that people buy cars(including trucks) for 900,000 – 1,000,000 cars per year which is really small market when we compare to India or China.
I’m also feel really sorry to Thai people who need to pay that much amount of money to purchase the Tesla Model 3. I think Tesla need to open the market in Thailand, so Thai people can migrate from gasoline cars to electric cars faster than this.