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Tesla Thailand: Time to Support Your Early Adopters

Since Tesla first began making headlines, early adopters in Thailand have been eagerly waiting for the brand to officially launch in their country. While many couldn’t wait and purchased their cars through unofficial channels from the UK and Hong Kong, they have been left without support from Tesla Thailand. More than 500 Tesla cars in Thailand were imported without any warranty or support, and owners have been left without navigation, maps, and updates for their cars.

It’s particularly galling for these early adopters because if they had waited for Tesla to officially launch in Thailand, they could have saved up to 50% on the price of their cars. Instead, they paid a premium of between $100,000 to $150,000 (3.3 to 4.5 million baht) to purchase their Tesla Model 3s and Model Ys through the grey market.

Pics : these Teslas are being bought through the grey market.

For years, these early adopters have been left without the support and service that other Tesla owners around the world enjoy. Despite the company’s mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy, Tesla Thailand has not provided any support to the more than 500 Tesla cars in Thailand that were purchased unofficially. These owners have been left without navigation, maps, and updates for their cars, which can make maintenance difficult and frustrating.

Pics : these Teslas are being bought through the grey market. They loved Tesla and Elon Musk so much, but Tesla didn’t listen to what they wanted to say

This lack of support from Tesla Thailand has left many early adopters feeling abandoned and frustrated. They’ve invested a lot of money into their Tesla cars and are passionate about the brand and its mission. It’s a shame that Tesla Thailand did not show the same commitment to these early adopters that it shows to its customers around the world.

Chatlog Implied : There is no map or navigation available for Teslas bought unofficially or before Tesla arrived in Thailand. Does this mean being a fan of Elon Musk before Tesla’s arrival in Thailand is a penalty?

In contrast, Tesla Singapore has stepped up to help early adopters in Thailand. They recently announced that Tesla Thailand will begin servicing all Tesla cars without discrimination in April 2023, which is a huge relief for these owners. However, it raises the question of why Tesla Thailand did not provide this support earlier.

To the early adopters who purchased their Teslas through unofficial channels: don’t lose hope! Tesla is a brand that represents innovation, progress, and change. You took a leap of faith by investing in this vision, and we believe that Tesla Thailand should honor your commitment by providing you with the same level of support that other Tesla owners around the world receive.

It’s time for Tesla Thailand to step up and show their early adopters that they value their business and loyalty. These owners have invested a lot of money into their Teslas and are passionate about the brand and its mission. They deserve to be recognized and supported, just like any other Tesla owner.

We encourage Tesla Thailand to embrace their early adopters and provide them with the support they need to continue to drive the transition to sustainable energy in Thailand. By doing so, Tesla Thailand can build a stronger relationship with its customers and create a more sustainable future for all.

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