Hi, everyone. First of all, this problem happened on 24th November which was 25 days ago before I decide to start writing this post. The reason that I hold everything till last minute because I want the car dealership and GM work on it, but I found out today(12/18/20) that they closed my case. The car dealer provide a false statement about my car that they fixed it(noise issue), but if the noise is gone. How could I still hear it when I drive out from their showroom?
The car dealer who sold me this Chevy Bolt not only ignore the problem, but also give me the false report about the car, so I think this is enough for me to keep everything alone, and here is what I do to get my car fixed.
Day 1 : Purchasing car
Date : Monday, November 23rd, 2020
I went to Frank Kent Cadillac, Fort Worth, Texas to purchase this Chevy Bolt. The transaction went well, and I got treated very friendly from everyone there. My car was charged to 70 % before I took it out from the shop. My girlfriend really love this car.

After I drove back home then I found that it had a noise coming from the rear side of the car. However, the noise was always gone when I drove my car over 10 mph, so I ignored this problem.

The problem (the noise) is occurred whenever I park on the ramp for 3-4 hours, and move the car around the parking lot with the speed below 10 mph then the noise will come out.
However, I ignore this problem because it’s brand news car, and I’m a positive thinker which I believe that they sold me a very good car because this car dealer is one of GM Authorized dealer and have been in this car business since 1935.(80 years) Hence, I don’t have to worry about it.
Day 2 : My girlfriend notice the noise
Date : Tuesday, November 24th, 2020
My girlfriend drove it and heard that noise too, and she told me that this is the weirdest noise ever. Then I started investigating it by recording the video this afternoon.
Day 3 : make a schedule service with Frank Kent
Date : Wednesday, November 25th, 2020
I decide to make a schedule for service with Frank Kent Cadillac by giving as much information about the problem to them. There is one lady called back to me in that afternoon to confirm the schedule, and I asked them “is it ok to drive the car with this condition?”
She transferred me to service department. After I tell the problems about my car to him, the service department replied me back “it’s normal noise from all electric vehicle. You will get use to it. Hybrid also has this noise come out when drive slowly. Don’t worry, you can drive it around till next Thursday.”

Day 4 : post in Chevy Bolt Group
Date : Thursday, December 26th, 2020

I think this problem is not normal, so I decide to post the problem (my video) into the Chevy Bolt EV Owners Group
here is the feedback from the group :

After I got the link (www.chevybolt.org) of this issue from this group then I found out that I’m not only one in the states that have this problem. There is another Chevy Bolt has same issue as mine.
I had a similar issue — don’t know if it was the same sound — on my ’19 Bolt about 6000 miles in. You can hear the sound in the short video here(Below):
The ping / creak was occurring at lower speeds (and usually in warmer weather), and primarily when there was differential stress on the rear suspension – bump on one side, not on the other, etc. After a couple visits, the dealership finally concluded that the noise was coming from the rear axle. They said it is a “double walled” axle, and that one of the walls was flexing into the other under certain circumstances, which made the noise. They apparently had to call GM Tech Advisory Center to help with the final diagnosis (my repair form (see below) indicates “TAC 9-5417628243” associated with this repair). Replaced the whole axle (under warranty) on recommendation of GM. Just got it back, and noise is gone (thank goodness). Hope that helps someone.
sjdprods from website : chevybolt.org
Furthermore, I found another lady from youtube channel : Transport Evolved also got this problem, and her car is out of warranty. However, the car dealer in her area fix it for free.
Day 6 : reschedule
Date : Saturday, November 28th, 2020
Frank Kent Cadillac called me back and wanted to reschedule me to next Monday (November 30th) which is totally okay for me. They also told me that “once you reach the location, the mechanic guy will come to see this problem by himself”
Day 8 : drop off the car
Date : Monday, November 30th, 2020
I dropped the car at 10 a.m. There is one guy who comes to ask me the problem. After I told him everything, he just asked for the car’s key from me, and that’s it.
No driving, No testing with me as the call center mentioned. Then they gave me a Cadillac XT5 as a loaner vehicle which I really appreciate it.
Day 10 : Car is done fixing
Date : Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020
The service advisor called me to inform me that the car is fixed. Wow, that’s really fast.
Day 11 : pick up the car
Date : Thursday, December 3rd, 2020
I went there at 10 a.m. to pick up my car. They gave me this paper and told me what they fixed with the car.

I drove my car out from the parking lot for only 50 feet then the noise came back again, so this time, I drove my car back to the drop off zone, and asked the service advisor (Ron) who took care of my case to sit with me.
First two minutes that I drove, the noise didn’t come out yet, so he told me that “if you want me to fix your car this time. I might need to charge you.” Then I said “I didn’t drive this car out of your area(showroom) yet. I mean this car didn’t touch the public road yet, but the noise came back again. Please, be patient and I will show you the noise.” After driving for three minutes around the parking lot, the noise came back again.
This time, he asked me, “what is your driving behavior? I fixed a lot of cars, but I never saw this case.”
I told him back that “I just have (bought) this car from your place only ONE DAY then the problem occurred. This time, I brought the car back from you only ten minutes, and drove it for 50 feet then the noise came out like this.”
Eventually, the service advisor admitted that he heard the noise too, so he asked me to drive a loaner car back home.
Day 17 : Car is completely inspected
Date : Wednesday, December 9th
The service advisor called me to inform me that they already checked the car, and the car is good to go. I asked about the noise. Here is the answer from him.
The noise is still there, but you can drive it. It’s safe to drive.
Ron – Service advisor
Day 18 : Pick up the second round
Date : Thursday, December 10th
After having an ice car for 11 days, it’s really painful to my wallet because I have to pay more than $100 for the gasoline. I love my EV car and I want it back now.
I went back to Frank Kent Cadillac car dealer again to take my car back. The noise is still there. The service advisor told me that “the mechanic tries their best to fix the car, but they still don’t know what caused this noise.”
at the time that he handed me the paper which I came to know later that he gave the false statement in the report that they already fixed the noise issue.
Here is the report.

Note : the reason that I didn’t argue with this false statement at dealership because when he handed to me. The document is closed, I mean sealed, and he come to tell me that
Every Chevy Bolt will have this noise. Don’t worry. You will get use to it. It’s safe to drive.
Ron – Service Advisor at Frank Kent.
I drove a car back home with the noise issue. I believe Ron(service advisor) that they have tried their best to fix the car.
This time, it’s not a car issue. It’s either Frank Kent Cadillac car dealership sold me a lemon car or GM trick people on this issue by hiding it from recall. Therefore, I decide to open the case with GM. (Chevrolet website).
Day 19 : Chat with GM to find the solution
Date : Friday, Dec 11th, 2020

After giving them the information and issue then she conclude everything in here.

Upon looking into information, I am seeing that there is a recall on your vehicle for the High Voltage Battery May Melt or Burn. If the batteries in select vehicles within this population are charged to full capacity, or very close to full capacity, the batteries may pose a risk of fire. As an interim remedy, dealers will reprogram the hybrid propulsion control module 2 (HPCM2) to limit full charge to 90%. For more information, you can visit www.chevy.com/boltevrecall or contact the Chevrolet EV Concierge 1-833-EVCHEVY or your preferred dealer. I do want to look further into your noise concern and discuss this with the dealership. I will reach back out to you in 2-3 business days to discuss your case. Your case number is 9-6415149981
From chevrolet chat log on December 11, 2020

After reading this message then I have a peace of mind to continue using my car during two-three business days which mean that I can’t bring my car to any car dealership till next Thursday.
Day 24 : No one call me back
Date : Wednesday, Dec 16th, 2020
After I waited for three business days, I didn’t get any phone call or e-mail from Chevrolet , so I decide to get back to them. The Chevy customer representative told me to wait for another day to insure that all investigations has concluded.
Day 26 : get a call from Chevrolet
Date : Friday, Dec 18th, 2020
Priya (Chevrolet person) called me at 11:54 p.m. Central Time (CT) to explain that the case was closed by car dealer. Frank Kent Dealership informed GM that the vehicle fixed, which isn’t the case.

After I heard the conclusion of my case, I was frustrated and furious on what they provided the data to GM. May be Frank Kent dealership told the truth, but who know? Anyway, I have zero knowledge about Chevy Bolt, so I post this noise issue in to Chevy Bolt EV Owners Group to find the truth about this issue.

Here are the reply from Chevy Bolt owner :

All I want is to get rid of this problem(noise). Money comes second.

I also contact Chevrolet through facebook fan page. Here is what they reply me.

Conclusion : The person who worked on facebook fanpage and live chat team are the same team now. They shared information with each other, BUT my case was there for 9 days now.
Day 27 : Still waiting
Date : Saturday, December 19th, 2020
I contact Chevrolet live chat about my case status. They told me that they will call me on next Monday, 12/21/20 at 12:31 p.m.
It’s almost 10 days from getting the Chevy Bolt back from Frank Kent Cadillac dealership. They never make any call or send any mail to me regarding this case.
Day 29 : Schedule for 3rd time
Date : Monday, December 21st, 2020
11:47 a.m. – Priya from GM called me to ask about my case (again). She INSIST that my case was closed by dealership. The dealership provide the report that the noise issue was fixed. I request her to recheck with them again because my car still has a noise (same as day one). She told me that she will get back to me within two days.

after I talked to GM Tech Advisor then I think I need a second opinion on my case, so I scheduled a diagnostic with Friendly Chevrolet.
2:40 p.m. – Drop off vehicle at Friendly Chevrolet to let them diagnose my car. Diagnostic fee $149. They provide me a shuttle bus(Lyft) to sent me home.
3:23 p.m. – Frank Kent Cadillac called me to schedule the diagnostic about the noise. The earliest queue is on Thursday 31st, 2020. I scheduled that time slot with the Service advisor – Ron. I mentioned that I don’t want a loaner car. I need a shuttle bus to drop me off at my home.

Day 31 : Second opinion
Date : Wednesday, December 23rd, 2020
Teresa handed me a invoice and tell me that “rear axle assembly flexing and making noise when driving over bumps at an angle. Performed diag and internal noise in rear axel assembly. Tech and shop forman diag vehicle diag time only.”

It means that “I’M NOT MAD.” My car went into a serious issue which FRANK KENT try to cover it by giving a false statement. You can check the report from Frank Kent above. Frank Kent Cadillac said in the report that “JONATHAN MILLER inspected and test drove vehicle with shop foreman and at this time no abnormal noises can be duplicated.” which is a lied statement or false statement.
The fixing cost of this issue is $2,834 (including labors and parts).

After I received the paper then I headed back home to discuss this issue with GM(Priya), she told me that

Therefore, I don’t need to go back to Frank Kent Cadillac anymore. After I received this mail to confirm that “rear axle” in under powertrain warranty, I drove my Chevy Bolt back to dealership near my home to drop a car, but the person who come to take care my case (Daniel) said that this part is a “back order”, and this week is holiday week. You can’t drop a car here. We will inform you when we get a part from GM.
Day 32 : Second opinion
Date : Thursday, December 24th, 2020
I received e-mail from GM Certified dealership that
“There is an order based off of a future appointment we set several weeks out. We will open a repair order when you come in after the parts arrives.”
However, I received the phone call from GM Tech Advisor(Priya) in the afternoon, she acknowledge this issue, and escalate this case to other department to help me to get the part ASAP.
Anyway, I don’t feel safe anymore to drive my Chevrolet Bolt with this noise, so I went to car rental company to rent a car to drive during this time.
Day 36 : Get intouch with InsideEV
Date : Monday, December 28th, 2020
I don’t have anything to lose at this point, so I contact two EV influencers. First EV influencer read my message, and never reply back to me. However, second EV influencer replied back to me which is InsideEV . Gustavo R. was the editor who get in touch with me.
Without InsideEV, my car will definitely not get fix because Gustavo walk me through the process of telling story to the public. Actually, he did not only ask about my car’s problem, but also help me to communicate with GM company, try to figure it out what really happen with my car.
Day 37 : Confirmation mail : back order
Date : Tuesday, December 29th, 2020
I received mail from Daniel about my part is on back order, so I don’t have to go back to Frank Kent Cadillac to do another diagnose anymore.

I got a call from GM (Priya) in this morning too about the part that got confirmed and ready to ship.
Note : According to this log, you can see and understand it clearly that the person who cares for this case is GM(General Motors) who always call me everyday to update the status and try their best to make my car to get fix.
Day 39 : InsideEV publish my post
Cite : insideEV
Day 44 : Receive text from Friendly Chevrolet
Date : Tuesday, January 5th, 2020
REMINDER: Your BOLT EV is scheduled with _____
01:00pm WED 01/06
(214) 920-1900
After I received the text, I immediately call Friendly Chevrolet to reschedule the drop off vehicle appointment because I went there twice. They never have a loaner car for me.
First time, inspection (paid $150), they provide my a lyft to drop me back home, and I have to take another lyft to this dealership in next morning to pick up my Chevy Bolt. Second time, after I learnt that this car can fix under powertrain warranty, but they don’t have a loaner car for me, so they asked me to drive my Chevy Bolt until the part arrived.
When I get there, they refused to give me a loaner car and tell me that the part hasn’t arrived yet. Plus, they asked me “why are you here?” I show them SMS, but they were confused on this SMS, and told me to go back home with my Chevrolet Bolt.
Day 54 : Get a confirmation mail from Friendly Chevy
Date : Friday, January 15th, 2021

Get informed that the part was sent from GM, and it will arrive on 2/15/2021.
Day 75 : GM contact me to drop off the car at Friendly Chevy
Date : Friday, February 5th, 2021

This is really good news to me. GM finally make an appointment for me, and asked me to drop off the car tomorrow(Saturday Feb 5, 2021) which is really excited.
BUT I have to eat the cost ($150) for inspection my car which under warranty.
Day 76 : dropped off vehicle
Date : Saturday, February 6th, 2021
I dropped off my vehicle at Friendly Chevy.
They gave me the Chevrolet Trax as a loaner car.
Day 92 : Received the car back
Date : Saturday, February 22nd, 2021
I just got the car back from Friendly Chevy. The car is in perfect condition.
Here is the report from them.

The report mentioned that my car did not only have the noise coming from rear axle, but also have a broken bolt at the hub of the wheel.
In conclusion, the first car dealership, Frank Kent Cadillac, who sold me this car didn’t take care my case well, or we can conclude that they don’t care anything, such as warranty or fixing my car, after I purchase it from them. They just want to sell me a lime car only.
I would like to give a ton of thank to everyone who work very hard on this case with me, such as Chevy Bolt EV and EUV group, GM Call center(Miss. Priya, Mr. Tanner, and Randi), Friendly Chevy, and Insideev
If you want to buy an EV car, like Chevrolet Bolt, then I do recommend you to go to buy it from Friendly Chevy. Even they don’t have a good deal, but their service is outstanding and unbeatable.